Six months in this rollercoaster called ‘being the boss’ and I am proud to report that I have just had my last day in my corporate job and dare to take the plunge to look after Concrete Homewares full time.
Some big mile stones have been achieved: we have extended our range of products to now 20 different items, all offered in various colours. And as always, we dedicate each and every piece to someone important in our life: there is “Alfredo” named after my dear uncle who has a passion for food & beer - hence a rather round belly, “Kathi” named after my beloved aunty who adores flowers & plants of every shape and colour, “Philipp” named after one of my dearest friends who always has a special spot in everyone's heart and then “Jane”, our fantastic photography and marketing girl who is probably the most organised person in the world.
We had our biggest job to date: a gift order by Belle Property Mosman who gave 50 of our “Max" trays combined with a beautiful scented candle to their clients. It caused a few hectic days to get all items ready and wrap them individually - you should have seen the living room! But it was a big success.
Hubby Marc and I also spent an exciting weekend at this years ‘Life & Style’ trade show in Sydney. The annual four-day event gave us the chance to showcase our products and connect with wholesalers across Australia. Working with other distributers, shop owners and partners is what I will be focusing on moving forward. There is so much in the works already - stay tuned!
I am a bit nervous to leave the safety net behind, but I do hope to take Concrete Homewares to the next level now. It’s one exciting journey.
Speak soon.
Charlotte x